Our Assistant Cover Manager Jaymie Barry has been promoted to Regional Manager for the South Region. Jaymie started off as Front of House for LAH, and I have interviewed her to find out more about her progression through the ranks..

Can you tell us a little about your background and how you came to work at LAH? 
I was working in recruitment for around eight years before going travelling for five years. I came home to the UK with the aim of getting back into recruitment, I took a temp job as front of house with LAH, then was offered a permanent position and jumped at the chance! As FOH I enjoyed making the role my own, getting know the tenants, it was like a breath of fresh air after recruitment.

What is your current role, and what does a typical day look like for you? 
I am currently the Assistant Cover Manager, and there’s no such thing as a typical day in this role! I can have plans for the day, then it can all be turned upside down and I’ll end up in Cambridge, or Dartford, or somewhere else! My role covers two regions so there is huge variety to my day.

Congratulations on your recent promotion to Regional Manager for the South Region! Can you tell us more about what led to this milestone? 
When I was working as FOH I had always wondered what it would be like to be a Regional Manager dropping in on the front of house teams, and liaising with the building managers, I love variety and thought it looked like fun.

Also, in my current role I had already begun assisting the South Region team with ad-hoc work, had started to join their weekly meetings, and was already feeling like part of the team, so when the Regional Manager position came up, I thought why not go for it?! I know the business, I have done various roles and worked with people across different functions and am so pleased that I got the job!

What do you enjoy most about working at LAH? 
The culture! The support network is unbelievable, not just with my team, but across the regions too. Everyone works as a whole, with collective mentoring, I feel like everyone is so helpful which has helped me to learn and progress.
I also love variety; I love being on my toes!

Can you share a particular project or accomplishment you are most proud of?
In recent months, there have been significant developments in the cover department. One noteworthy achievement has been the implementation of a comprehensive training structure to support our permanent representatives, who often administer onsite training to our cover representatives. This initiative ensures that permanent reps provide detailed instructions on site-specific tasks, as well as general guidance on the qualities that make an exceptional LAH front-of-house receptionist.

What challenges have you faced in your role, and how did you overcome them? 
We identified the need to improve the onboarding process and communication with our cover representatives. Many of the cover reps on our books were often unavailable for various reasons, making it difficult to find a replacement at short notice. To address this, we implemented a 12-week onboarding plan and ensured regular communication with cover reps throughout this period and beyond, keeping them motivated to work with us. Our onboarding programme is now at least as detailed as that for permanent representatives, resulting in a much more reliable network of cover representatives.

How has LAH supported your professional growth and development? 
How hasn’t it?! I couldn’t have asked for better, LAH has allowed me to develop my career quickly, with so much support, and they have trusted me to perform and to take on a more senior role

What advice would you give to other employees aspiring to grow within the company? 
Go above and beyond, don’t just do your 9-5 and expect it to happen, ask for more responsibilities, ask for more training courses, show your drive and hunger for progression.
Explore your strengths – FOH can be a stepping stone into various roles such as Community & Lifestyle Assistant / Manager, or internal progression in our recruitment, cover and regional teams.

What are your goals for the future, both short-term and long-term? 
Short-term; LAH is a growing company, and once I have gotten to grips with my new Regional Manager role, I want to help grow the south region with its business development.
Long-term; I want to continue my personal progression and would love a directorship

Can you share something interesting about yourself that your colleagues might not know?
I went on holiday to Australia and ended up staying there for five years! I lived in every major city for a few months whilst out there.

What do you like to do in your free time outside of work? 
I am a home girl, the reason I came home to the UK was for my family. I am always with someone from my family. Or.. at the gym!

Is there anything else you would like to add or share with your colleagues? 
Just thank you to everyone for your support, and the training received from different people in different regions. I am very grateful to Louise, Stuart, Matthew and Natalie for the opportunity.






June 2024