We’re proud to be supporting our colleagues and celebrating diversity this Black History Month because change starts with education.

“As a mother of 2 mixed-race daughters and my husband having both Caribbean and Nigerian heritage, it’s a subject close to my heart.” – Sarah | The Park MK

You may think race is a tricky subject to tackle in the work environment, but that does not mean it should be ignored. The attached shines a spotlight on black talent and showcases easily accessible tv shows, books etc. rather than discussing black rights directly. The Black History Month website is a  fantastic resource when it comes to learning about films, television, music, books, talks, galleries and exhibitions that highlight the importance of black history: https://www.blackhistorymonth.org.uk After all, “A nation that forgets it’s past, has no future.”

It is worth having a quick read of what Catherine Ross, the editor of Black History Month, has to say about this year’s campaign, ‘Time for Change: Action Not Words’. She comments, “Black people are often given the double burden of experiencing racism and discrimination, and then being expected to fix it.” Full article here.

This October It would be amazing if everyone could take a minute to think about how you could support Black History Month within your workplace, and by all means copy any of the attached content.

“I’m hopeful that my daughters will have the same opportunities as I have, but the sad fact is that they will suffer racial abuse in their lives. By starting conversations and raising awareness of black heritage we can all push the message of unity and support.” – Sarah | The Park MK
